The Challenge
Trying to find the right place to store your recreational vehicles such as a golf cart can be a challenge. Often, the homeowner must make a choice to leave their recreational vehicles outside exposed to weather elements and potential theft. However, for this homeowner, he decided to find a solution that would free up space in his driveway and make room for his recreational vehicles. We worked with the homeowner to understand the space and structural requirements. Considering the needs, we recommended our most popular 4 Post Vasari Vehicle Lift. All of Vasari lifts exceed the standard safety recommendations and are manufactured with the highest quality materials for a lifetime of durability and reliability
The Vasari Solution
Vasari offers lifting solutions for your recreational passions and helps protect these types of vehicles in the off-season. No longer did this homeowner need to take up space in his driveway with his golf cart or other recreational equipment. Vasari underground vertical storage lifts created the space to store these vehicles safely underground.